Monday, 21 January 2013

Urticaria symptoms to recognize - Hives Sympoms and Remedies

urticaria can be accompanied by swelling that is caused by reversal of fluid in the tissues of the body. This swelling is medically called angi-oedema. It is not uncommon that this swelling may spread throughout the body. Once you have developed a rash, it can be expected to reappear on a regular basis, if you do not take proper treatment. Usually, in fact, this event is not an event limited in time, but a sign of what's to come in the future. It 'also often passed down from generation to generation.

Symptoms and treatment of urticaria

The hives on the face are caused by something that came in contact was perceived as dangerous by the body, then releases histamine to try to combat the attack. In essence, you have an allergic reaction to something that has touched the body and hives and its manifestations that appear are the body's way of trying to fight the allergen.
For most of the time, the cause of urticaria is never identified with 100% accuracy.

However, there are some common triggers for urticaria and angioedema have been found and identified:

  • Excessive exposure to the sun - even with sunscreen
  • Toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioners, etc.)
  • Allergies to medications (antibiotics, aspirin, sulfa drugs, penicillin, ACE inhibitors as drugs for blood pressure, etc.)
  • Excessive exposure to cold, heat or water
  • Food allergies (shellfish, eggs, nuts, milk, berries, fish, etc.)
  • Some tissues (blankets, sheets, etc.)
  • Insect stings and bites
  • Pollen or hay fever
  • Infections or diseases such as lupus and leukemia

Other possible causes of hives

Some not so common causes are obesity, facial surgery (head, nose or jaw), facial lesions, blood transfusions, cellulitis, sinusitis, dental abscess, etc.. Some people believe that the possibility of developing hives goes hand in hand with menopause. This is simply not true.However, there are many hormonal changes that occur during the phases of menopause, and these can cause urticaria. But this does not mean that all women who go through menopause experience the 'rash on the face or body.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms include:

Small round raised swollen areas, rings or large patches of red bruise on the skin.Accompanied by intense itching burning sensation when the bubbles are touched. The face may be hot to the touch and may appear bright red - like a sunburn. It is often accompanied by swelling, because the body sends a lot of fluids in (angioedema). The bubbles may extend from the face-down on the neck and shoulders. The skin may appear scaly and swollen and become sensitive. Red and raised itchy rashes, which are also known as bruises.Occasionally these may become darker in color.
bubbles that change in size from small to large very quickly. Multiple vents in an area or in a certain section of the body. A rash that moves from one area of the body to another fairly quickly.

Hives and itching and burning sensations

Swelling of your face, lips and tongue. In severe cases, the swelling of the throat causing difficulty in breathing. If this is the case, please consult a doctor as soon as possible.Angioedema, which is the swelling which is formed below the surface of the skin, usually around the lips or the eyes. The swelling may be warm or painful. Not all people who suffer from urticaria will see the entire list of symptoms appear at one time, or even not at all. The blisters can last up to 24 hours and the number of hives symptoms may appear and then disappear before vanishing completamente.Alcune people suffer from chronic urticaria, which can last for weeks at a time. The symptoms of chronic are similar, but the outpourings last for a much longer period of time. E 'recommended to consult a doctor or other health care provider if you develop chronic urticaria. The urticarial rashes are very similar to mosquito bites and can itch the same way. More often than not, if only one or two shots appears, the fault may be a mosquito or some other insect biting. The rash tends to appear in groups on a small area or a large area of the skin.
These bubbles can change in size very quickly. A scratch can cause the release of histamine from further own body on the skin, which causes the diffusion of the rash. The small bubbles can expand rapidly and become a quarter or larger with only a few scratches.
Angioedema is also one of the most common symptoms. Similar to a bubble itself, the swelling actually occurs under the skin in contrast on top of the skin. If you have never heard a raised area of skin and a small vent appeared on top of the raised area, that area is probably affected by angioedema.
addition to the swelling of the skin, the eyes, the lips and tongue may swell. This reaction is more common in people who have a severe allergy as animal allergies or food allergies.
If swelling of your face, lips, or tongue begin, it is important to immediately go in search of a doctor. Severe allergic reactions can quickly involve breathing and may leave incapacitated and unable to ask for help.

Prevent hives

Nobody wants to have an embarrassing rash and itching to try! How can you prevent the outbreak of an attack of hives? People can have this allergic reaction to a large number of reasons!
Could be something you ate, or the new skin cream that you use. Maybe you've been bitten by an insect whose venom causes reaction. Or maybe it was an allergic reaction to something!
One of the best ways to prevent the rash is to strengthen the overall health of the body, which will help to heal your skin problems.

Natural treatments for hives

One of the great problems of those who have sensitive skin is that so many of the treatments for this problem can potentially cause more skin irritation or allergic reactions!
I find that natural remedies can be more kind, and in some cases more effective, some of the conventional treatments that contain chemicals that would prefer not to put on the skin.
At the same time, many natural remedies may not work very well. The key is to find remedies that are created by health professionals who know what they are doing, which seems to make a difference in the search for something that actually works.

Urticaria In Children

When a child has an attack of hives, the first thing that a parent is trying to think of what the child has eaten, which could be the cause of the allergic reaction.
It 'important to remember that there are many other things besides allergies foods that can cause hives in children. Among these drugs, infections, exposure to the sun, and for some guys, even physically stroking his skin, which is called dermographism.

What is urticaria in children?

Hives a sign of an allergic reaction, and is usually harmless if it is the only symptom that your child is having. Children with urticaria and more severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or swelling in the mouth or throat, may have anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. These children are in need of immediate medical attention.
Urticaria is a type of allergic reaction or immune system that occurs when something stimulates the release of chemicals, including histamine, from cells in the body of a child.

Symptoms of hives in children

In addition to their typical appearance of raised areas of red or pink on your baby's skin, blisters hives are usually:
  • Itchy
  • extras alone or in groups - of varying sizes, with some smaller event on the fingers of your child and other larger the size of a euro. Furthermore, the bubbles often merge or combine to form vents even greater than, for example, can cover half of the baby's stomach.
  • Temporary, and come and go for several hours. Often do not go away completely though. Instead, the old urticaria goes away in a part of the body of the child, while the new one continues to appear somewhere else. Every single vent should not last more than 24 hours. If it lasts longer, then your child may have a rash, such as erythema multiforme, and not merely the hives.
  • Less commonly, a rash can sting, be painful, and can leave bruises on the baby's skin.
A child with hives may have different symptoms depending on what is causing. For example, if a viral infection is the cause, then the child may have a sore throat, runny nose, and / or cough.


While some things, such as some foods may commonly cause hives, keep in mind that almost anything can trigger it.

Common causes of hives can include:

foods, especially peanuts, eggs, nuts, milk, shellfish, wheat and soy medications, especially antibiotics such as penicillin and sulfa drugs or food additives, such as tartrazine food color and:
  • infections, particularly those viral
  • insect bites
  • Latex
  • exercise
  • stress
  • exposure to heat, cold, or water, no matter what the temperature
  • the dermographism, physical urticaria, in which bubbles are activated via the 'stroking the skin, as well as from scratches
To help you understand what is causing the rash of your child, keep a journal of all medications your child is taking and all that he has recently had to eat and drink. Sometimes you need allergy testing to find out what is causing the rash, especially if you are going away or if a child is suffering from urticaria more and more and more times. Fortunately, most children do not need to test, and if the cause is not obvious there is a good chance that the rash does not reoccur.

Treatments with drugs for hives

Since hives are caused by histamine chemical, it makes sense that they are treated with an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Other sedative antihistamines that are sometimes used to treat the skin reaction are hydroxyzine (Atarax) and cyproheptadine (Periactin).
The non-sedating antihistamines, including Allegra, Claritin, Clarinex and Zyrtec, are used in the treatment of urticaria, especially in those lasting longer than 6 weeks.
Less commonly, a child may need a steroid to treat his episode of urticaria. Other treatments may sometimes include doxepin (Sinequan), an antidepressant that can function as a potent antihistamine, Montelukast (Singulair), and drugs such as ranitidine (Zantac) or cimetidine (Tagamet), which are more commonly used for the treatment of reflux .
course, the best treatment for rashes, when possible, is to remove and then avoid this is causing a rash of your child.

What you need to know

Urticaria is considered chronic or long-term until it lasts for at least six weeks. Chronic urticaria is rarely caused by food allergies. In fact, what triggers the chronic allergies is only about 20 percent of the time. If no cause is found for chronic urticaria of the child, is usually referred to as idiopathic urticaria.

The single is also called hives or wheals bruises

It 's a common myth that has to be something' new 'that is causing a rash of your child, when it is much more common that the child has come into contact with something two, three or more times before it finally triggers the allergic reaction . Although an allergic reaction to a food is usually pretty fast, and occurs within a few minutes to a few hours, it may take days or weeks for an antibiotic to trigger hives in your child. A pediatric allergist and / or a dermatologist can help your pediatrician to find out what is causing a rash of your child.

Alchemilla Vulgaris for stretch marks

The lady's mantle is a valid and effective natural remedy grandmother against stretch marks, just apply 2 times a day on the affected parts of the tablets soaked in decoction obtained by boiling 100 g of dried leaves in one liter of water for 10 minutes, allow to rest covered for 10 minutes and then you can use. The lady's mantle is one of the homeopathic remedies most used and appreciated by a wide audience, especially among women, that uses the properties alchemilla for stretch marks and many other skin blemishes

 homeopathy and ' herbal exploit the plant world as it is rich of useful elements to protect the body from free radicals, such as antioxidants, moisturizing emollient compounds, bioflavonoids, polyphenols and vitamins essential to protect the body by the action of microbes and bacteria.
Among the various homeopathic remedies you can find the mantle, which is effective for stretch marks as it brings great benefits to the entire epidermis.
The lady's mantle herb is considered to be a real blessing for beauty and is considered as a special natural remedy for stretch marks because it helps the skin to restore its natural pH value of which appears to be essential to protect the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses against bacteria and microorganism.
For this reason the alchemilla serve not only for stretch marks, but also to remedy different situations and factors that may adversely affect the body as, for example, a poor diet or taking certain medications.
The lady's mantle is an excellent moisturizer for the skin that also acts on the production of sebum, reducing and adjusting it to avoid oily skin or the appearance of blemishes that may be unpleasant for your physical appearance.

Alchemilla cream for stretch marks

Simply apply to the skin this product to improve his health and his appearance, reducing skin blemishes such as stretch marks.
  • 3 tablespoons alchemilla powder.
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee.
  • 3 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Half a glass of water.
By mixing these substances can create a special cream for stretch marks very useful and effective by applying it every day on the affected areas by stretch marks.

Alchemilla vulgaris as a remedy for freckles

The juice of the fresh leaves pounding in a mortar and then filtering the mixture through a fine cloth helps lighten freckles. Apply with a cotton ball every night.

Mask for inflamed skin or reddened

Prepare the infusion leaving 100 g of leaves in a quart of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Tonic astringent for the face
Prepare the decoction by boiling for 10 minutes 100 g of leaves in a liter of cold water, filter, and use warm or cold. Use as the usual tonics. homeopathy and ' herbal exploit the plant world as it is rich of useful elements to protect the body from free radicals, such as antioxidants, moisturizing emollient compounds, bioflavonoids, polyphenols and vitamins essential to protect the body by the action of microbes and bacteria.
Among the various homeopathic remedies you can find the mantle, which is effective for stretch marks as it brings great benefits to the entire epidermis.
The lady's mantle herb is considered to be a real blessing for beauty and is considered as a special natural remedy for stretch marks because it helps the skin to restore its natural pH value of which appears to be essential to protect the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses against bacteria and microorganism.
For this reason the alchemilla serve not only for stretch marks, but also to remedy different situations and factors that may adversely affect the body as, for example, a poor diet or taking certain medications.
The lady's mantle is an excellent moisturizer for the skin that also acts on the production of sebum, reducing and adjusting it to avoid oily skin or the appearance of blemishes that may be unpleasant for your physical appearance.

Alchemilla cream for stretch marks

Simply apply to the skin this product to improve his health and his appearance, reducing skin blemishes such as stretch marks.
  • 3 tablespoons alchemilla powder.
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee.
  • 3 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Half a glass of water.
By mixing these substances can create a special cream for stretch marks very useful and effective by applying it every day on the affected areas by stretch marks.

Alchemilla vulgaris as a remedy for freckles

The juice of the fresh leaves pounding in a mortar and then filtering the mixture through a fine cloth helps lighten freckles. Apply with a cotton ball every night.

Mask for inflamed skin or reddened

Prepare the infusion leaving 100 g of leaves in a quart of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Use of tablets soaked - squeeze and place them directly on the skin.

Tonic astringent for the face

Prepare the decoction by boiling for 10 minutes 100 g of leaves in a liter of cold water, filter, and use warm or cold. Use as the usual tonics.

Mesotherapy for cellulite - Does it Works? Results Included

Have you ever heard of mesotherapy for cellulite ? In recent years we have seen great innovations in the field of pharmaceutics and cosmetics, as well as with regard to the various techniques to combat cellulite, such as cavitation or and mesotherapy . 

Doesmesotherapy for cellulite works ? What are the results of some sessions of mesotherapy? Think about that for a while 'time, the mesotherapy has become one of the strategies to cope with cellulite primary choice of many people, so why not consider too?

Are you also tired of seeing that set of fat deposits that make your skin similar to cottage cheese?

Before explain how mesotherapy for cellulite , we must take into account the fact that knowing your enemy also involves understanding its weaknesses, we see what is cellulite, first.

Cellulite is formed, in most cases, for the fact that the blood fails to flow in a totally fluid in the circulatory system, with the consequent impossibility to guarantee elimination of toxins.

The lymphatic fluids, in particular, can not be drained as to duty, thus going to be deposited in the subcutaneous layers and forming the cellulite.

Since we are here for levarvi any doubt, we will respond now to some of the most common questions regarding the mysterious world of mesotherapy, revealing the secrets of his success.
What is mesotherapy for cellulite and how it works?

The Mesotherapy is a non-invasive procedure of cells, which involves a series of injections into the mesoderm, the middle layer of the skin to stimulate the elimination of cellulite and all agents which are formed.

The treatment involves a series of injections of homeopathic medicines and traditional, in addition to vitamins.

The beauty of mesotherapy for cellulite is that it allows to combine it with other remedies for cellulite, even invasive.
There are people better suited to mesoterapie?

Another strong point of mesotherapy for cellulite is that ... E 'indicated at all! Anyone who has a problem with the orange peel skin, can put yourself in the hands of mesotherapy, taking perhaps one of the best decisions of his life.
What are the areas of the body most suitable for treatment?

The mesotherapy can act on cellulite in different parts of the body.

More generally, it can be treated areas of the pelvis, buttocks, thighs and arms, but is also effective against wrinkles of the face and another lot of places.

If you have any doubt about the treatment area, you have to do is ask advice to your doctor, so be sure not to make a mistake.

How is the treatment of mesotherapy for cellulite?

As we have already said, Mesotherapy is a treatment based on a series of injections targeted to hit the area affected by cellulite.

The mesoderm may feel numb or heavy patients, but side effects are mild and vary in each subject.

The effects of mesotherapy are permanent?

As with any cosmetic treatment, there are limits of efficacy over time.
Anyway mesotherapy may be more effective on the basis of age or physical characteristics of a patient, but provides a good increase of health (also as regards the future) of the skin tissue of your body. Of course, talking about the fat, always remember that the healthy daily habits are always the basis of health and the general welfare of the body.
What is the recovery period after the mesotherapy?

There is a real time of recovery after the treatments of mesotherapy for cellulite, because it is a non-invasive strategy of the cells of the skin tissues.

It may happen, however, that patients undergoing mesotherapy experience a sense of physical and mental after treatment: at any rate has never been recorded in permanent!
When you can see the results of mesotherapy?

Usually, the results derived from mesotherapy are visible after a few weeks of treatment, up to one month.

Because the changes are not invasive, the effects will gradually, which will follow the course of therapy targeted against the skin orange peel.

Obviously, this figure varies depending on the type of patient, to its eating habits and to his style of life in general.

One very important thing: the patient trying Mesotherapy is covered by health insurance?

Being that mesotherapy is regarded as a common cosmetic treatment, it is very difficult to find health insurance that covers any problems.

For this reason it is important to learn more about what you can try to be safe from this point of view, we should ask for advice from your dermatologist.

We hope to have taken more than a few worm-headed, speaking of mesotherapy for cellulite and explaining how this treatment has changed the lives of many people.

Are you afraid of needles?

Do not worry, it is a simple puncture that, given its lightness, not even feel.

Agrimonia Eupatoria Benefits and Uses

Agrimonia eupatoria is a perennial plant that grows abundantly in Europe, Canada and the United States where it is used for various medicinal purposes that included her in therapy traditional herbal health, the agrimony is especially useful for tone and from ancient times was also used for soothing and coagulant useful to promote healing of cuts and wounds, as well as to treat skin blemishes such as pimples and warts
The agrimony is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that allows the elimination of the virus that infect the tissues, causing swelling, irritation and severe pain.

The diuretic disinfectant with grimonia

The agrimony nowadays belongs to a group of herbs proposed as a remedy for many problems of a quite common in our times, affecting a large number of parts such as urinary tract and problems with urination.
The agrimony can be really useful to people who want to increase diuresis, to reduce water retention and eliminate all toxic wastes in the body, which is deposited in a special way in the tissues and membranes that make up the gastrointestinal tract, causing infection serious.
With the agrimony be able to reduce this possibility, in order to return to try being and relief at the time of going to the bathroom, instead of fear and dread.

Stomach Problems? Resolve with the agrimony

If you have stomach upset or experience intense pain during digestion then do not worry because you have a good weapon such as agrimony to relieve your problem and get back to enjoying the serenity and pleasure after eating.
The agrimony and its active ingredients, in fact, successfully support the digestive process and allow the total assimilation of compounds introduced as an energy source, reducing heartburn often caused by the toxic formed during the work of the metabolism.

Infusion of agrimony

Pour 150 ml of boiling water over 1/2 teaspoon of agrimony dried minced, let stand 10-15 minutes, then strain. Drink one cup daily infusion 2-4 times a day. Decoction : Pour the agrimony dried in cold water, boil for 5 minutes and then strain.

Pack agrimony

Prepare a decoction of 10 g of water and 100 agrimony. Dip a cloth and place it on the sore several times a day.

Ointment with agrimonia

Mix a handful of leaves powder with hot lard and work the ingredients until a smooth cream.

Agrimonia for gargling

Pour 1 teaspoon of tincture of agrimony in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water.

Agrimonia can prevent problems such as:

  • Sting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Ulcers
  • Infections
  • Swelling
To enjoy the benefits of agrimonia, it can prepare an excellent tea leaves using its content-rich active, drunk after a meal will help you digest better without having to wait anxiously for the first signs of heartburn occur on your body. The tea-based agrimony you can use it also as a kind of skin lotion to treat eczema, ulcers epidermis or other infectious forms that affect the skin. .

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Greek Hay: what is the greek hay

Greek Hay is part of the family Leguminosae and is cultivated mainly in the Mediterranean, India, Egypt and Morocco. It is an annual plant that can reach 6 cm in height and makes flowers that form the pods containing twenty seeds, the name derives from the greek leaves Trigonella foenum-graecum three corners and which is right for greek hay . The greek hay is one of the oldest medicinal plants, which dates back to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans who used it as a medicinal herb and culinary.

Greek Hay components (what it contains):

  • carbohydrates
  • Vitamins A, B, C
  • Iron
  • volatile oils
  • betaine
  • football
  • alkaloid choline
  • diosgenin (estrogen-like)
  • lecithin
  • mucilage
  • phosphates
  • protein
  • alkaloid trigonelline
  • trimethylamine

what is Greek hay  (properties) :

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antiseptic
  • aphrodisiac (it is considered useful to arouse or increase sexual desire)
  • emollient
  • expectorant
  • febrifuge
  • galactagogue
  • mucilaginous, that is characterized by a rubbery texture and jelly
  • nutritive
  • restructuring
  • soothing
  • stimulant
  • tonic
  • hypoglycaemic
  • helps to reduce cholesterol levels
  • antioxidant
  • sore throat
  • abscesses
  • fistulas
  • neuralgia
  • sciatica
  • skin irritations
  • sores
  • swollen glands
  • tumors
  • pulling out ulcers and swellings
  • wounds

Greek hay and pimples

Acne and pimples are unpleasant inflammation resulting from skin rashes characterized by that, depending on the location and severity, may take the form of a superficial pustules, ie eruptions with pus.
They are often associated with age of adolescence but in practice there may be many cases of well over age.
In fact, among the main causes that can trigger acne or pimples that are hormonal factors, stress, tension, pollution, chemicals found in products we use to wash ourselves, unregulated power supply, etc..
The affected areas are possible: chest, neck, back, face, etc.. and to prevent them, it must keep the skin clean, removing all possible residues of dirt or makeup, but using appropriate products and not too aggressive depending on the type of skin and still without oils.
Wash your hands before and after caring for the skin lesions to reduce the risk of infection.
Pay attention to the use of creams, make-up and the like often "tappano" skin pores and worsen acne and pimples.
The greek hay may be used between the various natural remedies to treat existing acne and pimples, preparing a paste of fresh leaves of greek hay to be applied on the face every night before going to bed for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water to clean the skin.
This natural DIY prevents the formation of pimples, blacks, skin dryness and early appearance of wrinkles.

Greek hay and cellulite

The Trigonella foenum-graecum, better known as hay greek, is also known to be used for weight loss and for cellulite. Seeds hay greek also have antioxidant effects and contain a mucilage that has emollient properties, which therefore helps to keep skin hydrated, supple and youthful.
You can even prepare an anti-cellulite oil hay greek using mixing 200 grams of seeds hay greek ground to flour (found in health food) and 500 ml of sesame oil. Also excellent for facial wrinkles.

Greek hay decoction

The proportions for the preparation of decoction of greek hay can vary from one to three tablespoons in a liter of water, but you should usually just wake up and drink the decoction between meals if you want to enhance the cleansing effect.
Ingredients for the decoction of hay greek:
  • 12.5 g of seeds hay greek
  • 25 cl of water
Preparation: Boil the seeds in water for 15 minutes, then strain and drink the decoction.
The decoction, in the form of poultice and applied externally, can also be a great help in case of hemorrhoids.

Greek hay benefits

The benefits are many greek hay and interesting. For example, the seed extract greek hay is a valid and effective digestive aid, often used as an agent to increase the production of breast milk in nursing mothers and also for the treatment of hormone imbalance in women (eg menopause ).
Other benefits include the ability to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, maintain normal blood sugar levels in diabetics.
The effects on the digestive system from the greek hay are just as interesting and include the treatment of indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal spasms. It is also useful in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema, boils, ulcers and cellulitis .

Greek hay for weight loss

Because the seeds of hay greek contain high amounts of soluble fiber, are also used for weight loss.
Soluble fiber, in fact, it expands in the digestive tract, giving the feeling of fullness and this helps to control your appetite and sense of fullness leading to eat less and consequently lose weight.
This also helps to eliminate bloating and detoxify the body of toxins, besides the fact that as written it helps to improve the digestive process.

Greek hay dosage and intake

The recommended daily amount is usually about 70-100 drops of fluid extract two times a day before meals for 30 days or 2-4 capsules per day half an hour before meals.
The recommended dosage is always an opinion and after a consultation with the doctor to ensure that the actual state of health of the subject.

Greek hay in sport

The greek hay is also known in the sport thanks to its anabolic effects derived from furostanoliche saponins, which help to increase muscle mass and strength, resulting in improved athletic performance.
The anabolic effect of greek hay in sport is aimed at the ability to facilitate the accumulation of protein in the muscles, increasing just mass and power.
Furthermore, there is a substance (4-hydroxy-isoleucine) which helps insulin in amino acid transport up to the muscles.

Hay Greek bodybuilding

The greek hay in the bodybuilding for the same reason as before: it is an anabolic steroid that helps and promotes muscle growth promoting metabolic transformation of nutrients into the molecular synthesis.
Turns out to be a good stimulant neuromuscular and also helps to strengthen the bone and muscle.

Greek hay and menopause

The greek hay turns out to be one of the plants mentioned in the case of menopause and disorders related to it.
Not by chance is known since the Egyptian times where it was described as the plant that "preserves youth" not only for the treatment of disorders related to menopause but also because it helps to slow down the process of osteoporosis which over the years can not create few problems.

One of the classic problems associated with menopause treatable naturally from greek hay can include:

  • hot flashes ,
  • night sweats,
  • insomnia,
  • mood swings,
  • vaginal dryness
  • irregular menstruation.
This "natural gift" against disorders related to menopause dellla Trigonella foenum graecum comes from the fact that it contains phytoestrogens and helps to increase the production of estrogen which serve especially during menopause.

Recipe of infusion of greek hay for menopause:

Prepare half a tablespoon of seeds hay greek to put in 1 liter of boiling water. Strain and drink a glass in the evening.

Greek hay and osteoporosis

The greek hay has remineralizing properties that make it effective in treating osteoporosis.
To understand this better, osteoporosis is a thinning of the bone mass, one of the natural aging of the body, but it can also present itself as a real disease that can cause failure or spontaneous fractures especially of the vertebrae of the spine and femurs when the total bone mass (measured in childhood around 25%) falls below 11% of body mass.
The main risk factors for osteoporosis in women are generally excessive decrease in estrogen in pre-menopausal women, early menopause caused by surgery or diet low in calcium, too much protein diet, alcohol and cigarette smoking, life sedentary.

Decoction anti-osteoporosis done on hay greek: 

  • 30g Oats
  • 40g of Equisetum
  • 20g Hay greek
  • 10g Liquorice
Boil for 2-3 minutes 30 grams of the mixture over prepared with ingredients mentioned in 1 liter of water. Then, strain and drink 3 cups a day with lemon juice.

Greek hay and cholesterol

The hay greek turns out to be also very useful for reducing the rate of blood cholesterol and this thanks to the components as lysine, arginine , lecithins, saponins (the latter bind to cholesterol preventing their absorption) and that of fibers through the inhibition of lipase prevent the digestion of fats.
Thanks to the action of hypoglycemic greek hay there are significant decreases in insulin, triglycerides and total cholesterol, but instead helps to increase the good HDL cholesterol.

Greek hay and menstruation

Among the properties of greek hay we also find that the Trigonella foenum-graecum has properties emmenagoghi, that acts on the endocrine system and hormone function due to its ability to promote menstrual flow, therefore, turns out to be a great help in case of problems related to menstruation women .

Greek hay homeopathy

In homeopathy the greek hay is very well known for its many beneficial and curative properties. For example, you galattogo, aromatic, astringent, carminative, expectorant and is also considered a natural aphrodisiac.
Homeopathy uses the properties of greek hay to treat asthma and this because it is an excellent natural expectorant, but the combination homeopathic hay greek does not end here, since it is used primarily for:
  • weight loss (due to the richness of fibers that give satiety)
  • reduce cholesterol levels
  • stimulate the milk supply for women who breast-feed their babies
  • to treat fever
  • to relieve abdominal pain due to indigestion
  • to treat cases of diarrhea
  • helps to prevent the formation of acne and blackheads
  • to treat inflammation and eczema
  • to treat dandruff
  • for painful menstruation
  • treatment of anorexia and poor appetite
  • in the case of arthritis, bronchitis, sore throat, swollen glands, wounds, skin irritations, diabetes, ulcers

Hay greek essential oil

The ' essential oil of hay greek (Trigonella foenum) is best known for treating diabetes and those of inflammation of the stomach and digestive disorders.
The extraction of the essential oil is obtained from the seeds dried by solvent extraction.
The essential oil of greek hay added in the shampoo in a small amount (a few drops) also helps to combat the problem of dandruff and forwards stimulates the growth of the hair bulb of the hair itself.
In addition, it is an excellent emollient and anti-inflammatory, so they can be added 2 drops of essential oil of greek hay in a body lotion to enhance the nutritional effects of our cream daily.

Greek hay for breast enlargement

The greek hay may increase the breast? Well the answer is that it can actually help to increase the volume of the breast as it is able to replicate the functions of estrogen favoring the production of prolactin, a hormone which interacts with the estrogen receptor and gives an aid to increase the breast.
Phytoestrogens hay greek stimulate the development of mammary glands using estrogen and also with his galactogogue property, it also stimulates the production of breast milk and improves circulation in the mammary gland, all of the benefits that are reflected on the increase in breast volume women.

Greek hay for the skin

The greek hay has remarkable regenerative properties and antioxidants both for internal use and for the skin, so it is a good natural remedy to keep your skin firmer, young and beautiful, as it prevents and slows down skin aging and the formation of wrinkles.
The greek hay you can find it on the market in various forms: powder, dry extract, fluid extract titrated (perhaps the best formulation), prepared for infusion and decoction.
Greek hay for man - greek hay testosterone
The hay greek for humans is used as a natural aphrodisiac and to increase the levels of male hormones thanks to the presence of a type of saponin call fenuside that stimulates the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH), stimulates the production of testosterone , promotes the secretion of adrenal glands dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which in turn is able to convert into testosterone.
Testosterone is in fact a hormone known for its ability to stimulate muscle growth, increase bone density and improve male sexual activity.
All this also leads to an increase in libido and male sexual performance, this explains why it is counted among the existing natural aphrodisiacs ...

Greek hay natural remedies

The greek hay is an excellent natural remedy for many treatments.
Among these natural remedies combined with greek hay as we wrote earlier that can help improve and increase libido male between the ages of 25-52 years.
This has been demonstrated by studies that have shown that men taking for two times a day for nearly one month, the greek hay have found an increase in libido by more than 25%.
That's why we can say that the greek hay can access the male desire and is a good natural remedy aphrodisiac.
Natural remedies for hay greek do not stop this we can also call viagra (a bit 'as ginseng and other natural remedies like), but it's great for preventing and treating colds and various ailments related to cold the same as for such as a sore throat.
As already seen is also a natural remedy well known to women in pre-menopause and menopause, as well as to help increase the formation of breast milk and breast-feed their infants and linked to this the greek hay is known to be able to increase the breast, to be an excellent tonic to improve the appearance of skin , it is also an excellent natural remedy against irritations and inflammation.

Greek hay tonic

The Hay greek rich in all the amino acids is an excellent tonic and restorative is indicated in disorders of nutrition and being too thin and asthenia. Can be taken in various forms (liquid extract, powder or tablets or as a decoction).
The assumption by decoction or infusion are usually recommended in the evening after taking to soak the seeds hay greek for a night. They are usually immersed in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then strain and drink you can add other flavorings to sweeten it as it did not really taste good. You can use honey or associate it with fennel seeds or other.
The greek hay is an excellent tonic against physical exhaustion and is recommended in those cases where people are in a state of excessive thinness to help stimulate the appetite.
In any case, as with all natural remedies and it is not recommended prior to the consummation of being advised by your herbalist and trusted by your doctor.

Greek hay contraindications and side effects

Possible side effects in case of excessive intake of hay greek can be upset stomach such as nausea, flatulence and diarrhea.
It must also not be taken by women during pregnancy and if you are taking anticoagulant drugs or medicines to control blood sugar, unless told to do so by your doctor.